Quality Policy

BII Noida Quality policy is as per ISO certification number NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 requirements which have been developed and implemented according to quality management system to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide education and training in the life sciences and pharma domain.
Our quality management system complies with the requirements of the ISO and meets the end-user statutory and regulatory requirements through the effective application of the educational systems as per vision and mission of the institute. BII Noida establishes documents, implements and maintains the quality management system and continually improves its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of ISO:9001:2015.
BII Noida is determined to maintain its reputation as an authority which does not tolerate any kind of fraud. We have no branches & no sister concerns. Some people are misleading the students in the name of BII. Students are warned to be aware of duplicacy / piracy of certificates and course materials offered in the name of BII Noida by any individual organization other than our corporate office.